Frequently Asked Questions
Sod installation may seem daunting, but you can have it installed in no time with the correct information! This page will answer the most frequently asked questions about sod installation. We'll cover everything from preparing your soil to choosing the right type of sod for your climate. If this is the first time you have considered Sod Installation or you are a seasoned pro, read on for the answers to all your sod Installation FAQs.
Is sod lawn less work?
Yes, a professionally laid sod lawn needs no special maintenance because it is a mature, healthy lawn when installed, unlike a sprigged or seeded lawn, which requires years of care to mature. Under the direction of an expert, sod is grown from either premium seed mixtures or approved hybrid sprigs. Your sod lawn will stay a healthy, green carpet of grass after installation with just the occasional watering, mowing, and fertilizing, requiring very little upkeep.
Where can I use sod?
Even where seeding is impossible or too expensive, sod can be put in almost any location. In areas where rain would wash away both seed and soil, sod is frequently used to prevent soil erosion and water pollution. Sod is available in various grass blends to match multiple requirements such as climatic changes, usage amounts, and sun and shade conditions. You can choose what kind of sod you want, or Sod Boys can provide you with expert advice regarding the sod type best suited to your property.
When should I install new sod?
As long as the earth isn't frozen, we can install sod almost any time during the growing season. We lay grass sod from April through November. Spring and autumn are the best seasons to lay sod because they have cool temperatures and occasional rain, which helps sod to take root quickly.
Can I walk on freshly laid sod?
For the first few weeks, avoid pet and foot traffic on the new sod until it has completely rooted (usually 3-4 weeks). You can easily check if the sod is rooted by gently pulling the end of one piece of sod. If you feel resistance and difficulty lifting the corner, the roots have taken to the soil. After the waiting period, your sod is good to bear weight without getting damaged in the process.
How can I determine quality and freshness?
Sod might look like a carpet, but it is also living healthy grass. Sod should be installed between 24 and 72 hours after being harvested from the farm field. The best indication of freshness is moist soil (not hard and dry), dark green grass blades and cool to the touch. You can test the strength of sod by holding a piece by its narrow end and raising it overhead without falling or tearing it apart. Placing several parts on the ground and looking for significant variations or visible weeds is the best approach to assess texture uniformity, mowing height, and overall quality.
When should I mow newly installed sod?
Mowing the sod after the root system has fully developed is fine. Wait at least three weeks after planting for the new grass to reach a height of at least 3 inches before mowing it. The grass blade should not be cut more than a third of the way. To assist the sod in growing greener for photosynthesis, we recommend that you set your lawnmower at the highest feasible height. Make sure you always have a sharp mower blade when mowing! There are specific cutting requirements for them, depending upon the type of grass. For example, some kinds of sod should be cut at 2.5-3.5 inches.
Does laying sod eliminates all weeds?
Sodding may help to reduce the number of weeds, but it will not eradicate them altogether. Weeds will generally re-establish themselves (their root system may be several feet long, but the sod cutter destroys 2 inches of grass). It is essential to take care of your lawn after sodding and always look for weed growth. If your lawn or property has a weed problem, we recommend having a pre-sodding weed treatment. We offer non-toxic and safe environment options that can help prep your soil for sodding without the added stress of potential; weed growth.
When will I need to fertilize my new sod?
The sod is fertilized right before harvesting. This implies that the sod you get is already fertilized. You should fertilize your new sod only four weeks after installation when the root system is established. If the sod was laid during winter or when it was dormant, you should not fertilize it until after green-up in spring.